We were designed in a specific manner from conception until full grown, and everything has a window of how and when it should take place. This includes crawling, walking, talking, eating, and more. Many clinicians are not trained to stress the importance of development, and for this reason early intervention can be crucial for optimal development. We recommend a monthly or bi-monthly check to ensure that your child is developing properly and issues addressed along the way.



Primitive reflexes work on a specific time clock and should come online and go away at certain times during development. The persistence of these reflexes past the specific time can cause developmental issues as the child grows, even into adulthood. Working to rid a persistent reflex is all about frequency; the more that you can work the reflex, the better the outcomes and the faster you will see changes.



Neuromuscular re-education is a technique used to retrain the brain and spinal cord in voluntary and reflex motor activities to restore normal body movement patterns. 

Your nerves and muscles work together to produce movement. Nerves send signals between your muscles and your brain about where, when and how fast to move. Over time, muscle movement patterns are learned and stored in your memory. When nerves or muscles experience damage or injury resulting from trauma and various medical and neurological conditions, muscle movement patterns can be negatively affected.

Neuromuscular re-education therapies include balance exercices, eye excercises, activities to encourage core control, use of a vibration plate, and other repetitive movement, posturing, and stimulation excercises.